I remember those Nigerian movies I watched during my childhood days. In alot of them, I would see this setting: The king and his elders would be in the Palace,discussing. And then all of a sudden, the village Chief Priest would storm into the palace, with his staff landing on the floor heavily, every now and then. The King and his elders would look at each other with fear in their eyes. The Chief Priest did not often come like this, and when he did,hmmmmmm.... 'Hope all is well', the King would ask or something like that. 'The gods are angry', the Chief Priest would reply with a very solemn look on his face. This was often the reply. The gods were often angry. Either because somebody stole from someone's farm or somebody had traded on a holy day or the gods had not been given enough yam to eat. It was either one thing or the other. Now that I think of it, these 'gods' seemed to thrive on anger. They were always angry. So petty. And I pity their w...