Love is in the air. Everybody loooves love and so we are all, at least most of us (especially the lovers) are anxious for February 14 to just come already. I understand that this is a period particularly for lovers. But somehow, it's making me think of love in its very many aspects. After all someone once sang that love is a many splendored thing. Currently I am thinking of the love between parent and child, and how it affects all the other loves. Someone once defined being loved as being greatly valued by another person: and I totally agree. It's because I agree with this definition that I hiss whenever I hear people debating whether they prefer to be loved or they prefer to be respected. So we can say that one great characteristic of love is that you respect and treasure the object of your love. You do not love or greatly value someone and put them down. Love and reproach don't work together. The love a parent shows his or her child will go a long way n shaping t...