I am aware that some of us believe that there is no Supreme being, no Creator who created this world and is concerned with and takes an active part in the earth's affairs : and because there is no God, all life is a cosmic accident, and truth is relative, no absolutes. I am also aware that some of us are not sure whether there is a God. No problem. I just want to share some things with you guys. I do not pretend to be super-intelligent. I do not know all those - isms and - logy(ies). I am simply going to speak straight from my heart. First of all, I would like us to consider more closely the following issues: Look at the beauty and order, especially the order in nature. The pattern of day and night, the way the human body functions almost like clockwork. Our Planet Earth which is just the right distance away from the sun, amongst other examples. How come such beauty, such order, exists if life is a cosmic accident? Man has been described as a religious being. The many ...