
Showing posts from October 25, 2017


It's a Monday. Not just any other Monday. It's the Monday I have been waiting for. When after five years of looking for a job and the last company, an oil company with its headquarters in one of those British civilized countries sends you an email to come for an interview, you know that day doesn't come fast enough. You wait impatiently. That was me. Now the day had come. I left the house and walked down to a junction where I will get a bike. It's a long walk. This is what happens when your house is 'inside-inside' a very long street. As I walk down the street, this girl suddenly walks past me. In all her feminine glory or should I say shame? She is wearing a pant that is supposed to be a skirt. Her fair, lovely (no, shameful) laps are in full display. Her buttocks are dancing too freely, like there is nothing under restraining them. Kai! Nonsense! Girls of these days are so indecent. This kind of woman can never attract me. This one is surely on a missi...