This week has been really hectic for me, with all the preparations we've been making for my sister's wedding. In the past three days this week, I have seen more wedding gowns than I have seen throughout my entire life, with different styles : strapless and otherwise. And even different colors. And Yetunde, my crazy older sister has 'made up her mind' so many times about which of these gowns she intends to sew for her wedding that I have often felt like biting her. Well, she made up her mind for the last time this morning. We just came back from the tailor's place. (I just hope she doesn't make up her mind again and decide to go back to her unfortunate tailor tomorrow morning). After having my bath for the second time today (thanks to the hot sun), I relax on my bed and grab my phone, and log on to Facebook. My timeline is flooded with pre-wedding photoshoots of former course mates, friends, church members and some others I do not know outside Facebook. I gu...