' In my prosperity, I said I shall never be moved'. (Psalm 30:6) . Onyinye was born into a loving, close-knit, well-to-do family who adore her. As a student in secondary school and University, she was popular and had excellent grades. She is currently married to a successful business man who adores her. He literally kisses the ground she walks on. The marriage is blessed with three lively and lovely boys who are doing well in school. Onyinye is happy. She is thankful to God for her sunny life. She knows her life is smooth because she applies the right principles of success to her life everyday: she is nice, gives well in church, prays, evangelizes, etc. She can never be poor or sick or suffer. She is so sure of that. ************************************** The character 'Onyinye' is a fictitious one. However, some of us can identify with her: we are living the perfect life, or we know someone whose life is this sunny. Alot of us are not so lucky (eyah!). I do ...