For as long as I can remember, I have loved travelling. And it's not even the thrill of being in a new environment or getting to my destination that excites me most, even though it's wonderful. What excites me about traveling is the journey itself (especially if I am alone). Just sitting in the bus, close to the window (my favorite position):feeling the breeze on my face, watching cars and people and trees speed past: enjoying the scenery. Once in a while, I would get into a conversation with a fellow passenger or just listen to, and usually enjoy the conversations in the bus. I enjoy looking at the strange faces in the bus and even those faces I see outside our bus on the way, and wondering who they are, where they live, their challenges and blessings, if they are Christians, why they are making this journey, etc. Sometimes I would try to put some of their faces in my memory. At times I would wonder if I would ever meet this people again, on earth or on the last day, a...