From what I have read about, and heard, I understand that our ancestors didn't ask much of life. Their outlook on life was simple. As long as their crops prospered, meaning plenty food for the family, and the couple produced many children and there was a roof(usually a hut) on their head, and they were healthy, they were fine. Any education the children needed about their society was given to them by their parents and other older relatives. Yes, there may have been Kings who fought wars, for more and more lands, to extend their kingdoms. But the fact still remains that the common man's outlook on life was simple. I think the above applies to other nations of the world, apart from Nigeria. I may be wrong though. It's a different ball game today. With the advent of technology, formal education, life has become more complex and our appetites have increased. There is so much we want. There are motivational books and speakers everywhere, telling us to aim for the be...