'Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching'. Hebrews 10:25.
I love the Church. I do not refer to a denomination, but the body of Christ as a whole. I love the church because I am part of it. It's my family. We all have One Parent. We were baptized by One Spirit into One body.
Like every family, we are different people, but that is the beauty of family.
The body of Christ isn't perfect. And because of this fact, it has been subjected to so much ridicule, criticism, odium, and abuse by the world,and sometimes by its own members.
Issues of differences in doctrine have caused alot of arguments among us.
Some people have stopped going, or are deciding to stop attending our family meetings (church services) because of all the wahala.
The church is imperfect,yes. But I will never stop attending family meetings. I will try hard not to neglect the assembly of family members (fellow believers).
You know why?
It's because it's Family. I am afforded the opportunity of being among people of like faith and values. It's important to me especially in our rapidly decaying world. I get to receive encouragement to stay strong in God.
Again, alot of my best moments in my life have been moments spent with family members.

In my university days, I will never forget those moments among NIFESians (Nigeria Fellowship of evangelical students) and CLASFONites (Christian Law students fellowship of Nigeria). Those moments all fellowships on campus worshipped as one, under the umbrella of the Joint Christian Campus Fellowship. We sometimes had clashes among ourselves. Inevitable! But in the midst of all that, we helped each other financially, morally and spiritually. We prayed together and ate together and cried together and strengthened one another.
All these joyous and refreshing moments in a family that is often mocked and derided as useless and utterly corrupt!
My days as a corper were made wonderful and unforgettable by my family, The Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF). Just like my days in NIFES and CLASFON in the university, I experienced love and laughter and friendship. I met people who encouraged me by their words and actions, to take my relationship with God seriously. And yes, we had our moments too, but as true members of God's family, we triumphed more often.
All these joys couldn't have been experienced in isolation.
We may complain that the church is this and that and that. But one thing I have come to know and that I want you to know is that the church is God's family. His very own. God loves this IMPERFECT, flawless family of his, PERFECTLY!
The church of God will thrive, despite opposition!
It will March on in strength and the gates of hell will NEVER prevail against it! Our Lord Jesus Himself gave us this assurance.
Because I believe in Jesus, I believe in the church.
The church is my family,both now and throughout eternity.
We will praise God now on earth, and forever together! How thrilling!
I can't wait for the Day when the body of Christ from every nation, race and language will stand before God's throne in their white robes and holding palm branches, and with a loud voice, praise our Father as One.
If you are not yet a Christian, I invite you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior, and then join this wonderful family of God. Please, don't delay!
Just as it's unwise to sweep with a strand of broom so also it is with living in Isolation. It's dangerous and time wasting...... Nice piece Nero
ReplyDeleteThank you sir!
DeleteBeautiful and moving piece Nero!! Even though we haven't met, I believe that the joy of knowing that we'll all be together in heaven is just indeed soo thrilling!! Thumbs up bro
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DeleteThanks so much for reading. From a very grateful sister!