Christmas is here again! Compliments of the season everyone! If there was a way to get some 'shickens' from you all, aswear, I would have done it o. I am that greedy!

Christmas. A season of joy and laughter and sharing and reunion. Yes, reunion. It's that time of year when alot of families gather at their family houses to celebrate with their loved ones. To reunite with relatives they haven't seen for a looong time: and even get to meet other relatives they didn't know before.

Churches are not left out of the reunion spirit. Some churches organize camp meetings and other kinds of meetings where believers of that denomination can fellowship together.

You will all agree with me that reunions are joyful. There is something wonderful about celebrating the yuletide in company of loved ones long missed. It's a feeling I can't adequately put into words.

I am thinking of something. A day of reunions. The Reunion of all reunions, when we will celebrate the greatest Christmases together.

Currently the best of our family reunions cannot be compared to the reunions of that day.

I am thinking of the Day when we all who have accepted God's gracious gift of salvation (Jesus Christ, the One Whose birth we are celebrating) will gather together, from every race and tribe, nation and language: when we will meet brothers and sisters we have never met, and reunite with long lost friends who were separated from us by death, or change of location.

I am thinking of us all, celebrating Christmas together, and most amazingly with God the Father, with the Son of God whom we have been celebrating while on this sin-cursed earth. But then, we will be celebrating these Christmases with Him, face to face, throughout eternity! Forever remembering what He came to do for us. And in a world void of sin and sickness and death and fuel scarcity. In a happy place. In a New Heaven and a New earth.

As you celebrate this Christmas, think of that Day. And very importantly, talk to someone about the One Whom we are celebrating, the One Whom Christmas is all about. Tell them what Jesus came to do for thus, for them. Spread the news around! So they can all look forward to celebrating those perfect Christmases with us and Jesus face to face throughout eternity!

I believe Christmas is FOREVER! Because this beautiful, priceless gift of salvation, and the Giver of Salvation, is worth celebrating for all time! As someone once sang, 'The Praise goes on forever'.

And if you have not yet received the Christ of Christmas, He is waiting for you. Just receive Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior. Then, you get the FULL benefits of Christmas, something all the food and drinks and gifts cannot give you.

Merry Christmas, people!


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