For those of us who are familiar with social media lingo, you already know I am not talking about killing people, even though that is what the word 'slay' originally means - to kill or murder someone.

A while ago, I came online (my facebook account in particular) and saw pictures of gorgeously dressed ladies 'slaying', according to their captions.

The lovely pictures were nothing new. What was new was the word 'to slay', which I understand to refer to the fact that the posters look so good they dazzle their viewers, and that's OK. I like beauty in people and things, so when I see it, I appreciate it.

I know I am not alone in my love for beauty. People generally love beauty and so naturally, these lovely pictures attract alot of 'likes' and comments of admiration. And that's OK.

But then I have noticed a class of people. I am going to call them 'slay-Queen haters'. They are the main reason for this post.

I see statements by these people describing these queens as dumb, and having nothing else to offer, apart from their beauty. In all of these mockery and cruel jokes and 'admonitions', they are accusing these queens of one thing - shallowness. It's funny but these slay-Queen haters don't realize how horribly shallow they are in their hatred and mockery of these queens.

For a while now, I have noticed that there is this idea that beauty or the consciousness of beauty, and intelligence, are foreign and opposed to each other. For example, a statement like 'she is not just a pretty face', indirectly gives the strange idea that being beautiful precludes or is supposed to mean the absence of intelligence in the lady, but somehow she has managed to combine those opposite attributes in herself. Some feat!
So a girl who is beautiful or loves beautiful things is supposed to act like she doesn't really care about beauty, to show how intelligent she is. She has to look less girly, or else,it means she is shallow, small-minded, frivolous.

Strange! Sadly, I unconsciously bought into this nonsense idea some years ago, but thank God I received sense!

The funny thing is that those who uphold this idea (especially guys), actually drool over these slay-queens' pictures and even go to their inbox and harass them with their drooling messages. But no, they must pretend. They have to come across as 'deep', or' 'spiritual' or whatever, hence this campaign of mockery against these gals.
I see pictures of guys well dressed, looking good, and I admire them. I have never started questioning his intelligence on account of their good fashion sense, neither have I heard any lady do same, so what is the problem with these people?

Dear all, if you are unaware, I would like to inform you that my Creator is the slay-King of all. Whenever he is described by humans who he appeared to in the Bible, his clothing is always described to be sparkling, whiter than white:. God, the Omniscient, the All-wise One, is a God of beauty.
Look around you. See the attention, the colors, the design he gave to his creatures: flowers, birds, animals : sunrise and sunset. If he didn't care about beauty, the world would be without color.

Look at the flowers. How beautiful they are! Some of them do not serve any 'practical' purpose. We do not eat them or use them for medicine, but they are there. He made them just to look beautiful. To decorate our world. And that is enough for Him. My Wise Creator.

So slay-Queen hater, take some pill from the Almighty God and EXPAND your small, shallow mind.

I have also come across certain posts on my Facebook wall. One of them is a picture of a pretty girl who is allegedly 25 years old and a Pilot, and a caption by the poster who ofcourse is male, which I find really disgusting :This is how to slay'.
The other post is one making the rounds on Facebook. It asks, 'how many girls in Nigeria can prove that they are beautiful without makeup? The poster is ofcourse male.

I ask, what is the problem? Why is society constantly trying to dictate what is ideal for the feminine gender? Why is everyone trying to tell a lady how to be? Why is being female not enough? Why does society constantly expect a lady to prove herself?

First of all, not everyone is going to have thriving careers, thanks to our economy. And not everyone is interested in having a career. Besides, it is some of these guys who would look at a successful career lady and wonder whether she slept her way to the top or whether she will be 'woman enough' to live with a man. The hypocrisy of it all!

See, it is arrogance of the worst kind to expect any female to prove anything to you. What do you even have that makes you so arrogant to think someone should 'prove' something to you? Like they exist for your pleasure? She is female. She is human. That is IMPORTANT ENOUGH. She doesn't need to go without makeup or have a thriving career to validate herself. So GET. OVER. YOURSELF.

My sisters, it's not a crime to be beautiful, to look good, and dazzle us with your beauty. It's not a crime to want to be appreciated. It's normal. So if you look lovely and you know it and you want to flaunt it, by all means do so (as long as you are not naked. Lol). We are waiting to Ooh and aah over your lovely pictures. Don't downplay your shine for any reason. You are not less intelligent because you love to look beautiful. You don't need to validate yourself to anyone.

Social Media would be colorless without you, and SOME PEOPLE would have nothing TO DROOL OVER.

SO, PLEASE, KEEP SLAYING, my gals! We want to be dazzled.


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